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Study Protocol of a Cross-Sectional Study to Assess the Oral Health of and Oral Health Care for Older People Who Regularly Visit the Dental Practice

Bots-VantSpijker PC, Schols JMGA, Maarel-Wierink CD and Bruers JJM

Background: Little is known about the oral health of community-dwelling older people, as well as about which oral health care services dentists provide to these older people. It is also unclear to what extent general health issues play a role regarding this group of persons when it comes to maintaining good oral health and regular dental visits. Furthermore, much is unclear about the type and amount of care dentists offer to these people, which treatment strategies they apply, and whether they experience any barriers. These uncertainties have led to a study into the need for care of community-dwelling older people in general dental practices in the Netherlands as well as into the actual care dentists provide to this group of citizens.
Materials and methods: This exploratory cross-sectional study will focus on the oral health of older people in the Netherlands who still visit the general dental practice on a regular basis. Additionally, an inventory will be made of their needs for oral health care and the care, which is subsequently provided by dentists based on these needs. This study is based on two groups of older people: persons aged 75 and older and persons between the age of 60 and 64. The study is carried out by conducting a sample survey among general dental practitioners in the Netherlands. They will be asked to prospectively select and describe one older patient and to ask this patient to complete a short questionnaire.
Results and Discussion: The insights that will be gained through this study can be used to optimize the organization and quality of oral health care that dental practices provide to community dwelling (frail) older people. It is also expected that this study will identify knowledge gaps with regard to oral health care to older people in general dental practice.

నిరాకరణ: ఈ సారాంశం ఆర్టిఫిషియల్ ఇంటెలిజెన్స్ టూల్