Varsha YM and Savitha R
Plastic pollution is creating the significant environmental and economic burdens since they consume the natural fuels (energy) and other natural resources. Beside this, they have long shelf time, debasing the environment in the numerous ways. The only way to trim down the hazards of plastic pollution is to decrease the use of plastic and thereby reducing its production. Degradations and recycling steps followed to diminish these plastic was of no use since it takes abundant stress (mechanical and chemical) to do so and also considered being costly. Biodegradable plastics became major approach to solve this issue and also became eminent since 1970s. From the inventory of biopolymers acting as bioplastics, PHA has gained major importance because of its analogous behavior to that of petro based plastics. PHAs are the linear polymers produced by the microbes to store energy and carbon. Present review discusses about the PHA production method, recent advances in producing, its degradation and applications of PHA which elucidates the gaining importance in today’s industrial world.